In October, Racquet Up hosted a series of six tryouts for the newest class of 5th and 6th grade participants. Over 80 students applied from four different partner schools: Schulze Academy, MacDowell Preparatory Academy, Detroit Achievement Academy, and University Yes Academy. The atmosphere throughout tryouts was full of energy and excitement as staff members and volunteers got to know the students and their families. During tryouts students worked on fitness and learned squash basics. In academics, they had time to work on homework, participate in team building activities, and learn more about the Racquet Up Program.
After tryouts, meetings with teachers, and discussions with families, Racquet Up welcomed 38 new participants to the program at an open house on November 14th. Parents had the opportunity to explore Northwest Activities Center, visit the squash courts and Racquet Up library, get to know staff members, and talk about the commitment to Racquet Up. New participants arrive for their first official practice Tuesday, November 27. Racquet Up is excited to welcome its newest members and watch them grow over the next eight years – or more – on their journey to and through college.